The SPICA Spectro-Astrometric mode for exoplanet detection and characterization: experimental status.
Lyu Abe(1), Martin Vannier(1), Romain Petrov(1), Vincent Binet(2), Keigo Enya(3) and Hirokazu Kataza(3)
(1)Laboratoire H. Fizeau, UMR6525, UNS, CNRS, OCA (2)ENS Lyon (3)ISAS/JAXA
We propose a spectro-astrometric observing mode for the Japanese/European SPICA mission. It is expected to offer an additional detecting/characterizing capability to the SPICA coronagraph (see Haze et al., this conference). Indeed the spectro-astrometric technique will be sensitive to very close-in giant planets orbiting at a typical distance from 0.01 to a few AUs. It is capable in principle to recover astrometric parameters as well as spectra from a host planet. In this poster, we summarize the main aspects of this observing technique, and we present the current status of our on-going laboratory experiment. Our goal is to demonstrate the capabilty to measure differential photocentre displacements down to at least 10^-3 pixels, thus validating our spectro-astometric measurement model. We discuss the various instrumental and astrophysical effects that we expect to hamper the exo-planetary spectro-astrometric signature.