Registration / Payment

Due to the size of the Amphithéâtre Buffon, the number of participants is limited to 180. Priority will be given to participants presenting a poster or an oral talk.

Important deadlines

- 1st announcement : March 9th, 2010
- 2nd announcement : May 17th, 2010
- abstract submission : July 5th, 2010
- early registration : September 24th, 2010
- late registration : anytime before the conference

Your personnal registration information

For registrered participants only. You will find here your personal informations concerning your registration. Print this page if you need a document prooving your registration.

Online payment

Informations for Purchase Order

Informations for Bank transfer

Registration fees

Detailed informations about fees.

Registration & abstract submission form

Registration form to fill in order to attend the conference. Please register only once and follow the instructions given there.
Important : Abstract submission is closed