Preparation to the scientific exploitation of SPHERE


D. Mouillet, J.L. Beuzit, S. Desidera, G. Chauvin, HansMartin Schmid, Rens Waters, + SPHERE science group


LAOG, OAPD, ETH, Univ. Amsterdam, LAM, LESIA, Fizeau, MPIA, Geneva, Utrecht, OACT, Lyon, ESO


The development of the VLT/SPHERE instrument, dedicated to very high contrast observations, motivates a large community. Its main science goals will also require a large amount of observing time. This will include large homogeneous surveys covering a wide panel of star classes and/or specific observing strategies on selected targets. We present here the main actions of the preparatory work carried on among the SPHERE consortium in this perspective. We mention the foreseen plan to inform the entire community, next year, before the call for proposals for open time observations.

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