Towards Very High Contrast Imaging with Project 1640 at the Hale Telescope


G. Vasisht (1), L. Ligon (1), L. Roberts (1), M. Shao (1), C. Zhai (1), B. R. Oppenheimer (2), S. Hinkley (3), I. Parry (4)


(1) JPL-Caltech; (2) American Museum of Natural History, (3) Caltech; (4) Cambridge University


The high dynamic range imager "Project 1640" at the Palomar Hale Telescope is now equipped with a backend infrared wavefront sensor (P1640-CAL). This sensor allows in-situ measurements of coronagraphic wavefronts, and suppression of slowly evolving speckles in the science imager, by updates to the AO deformable mirror. We will present results from the instruments’ first two observing runs, summarize its current performance, and discuss its ultimate performance goals

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