Micro-arcsecond astrometry of exoplanet host stars with GRAVITY instrument


N. Kudryavtseva(1), W. Brandner(1), S. Hippler(1), T. Henning(1), C. Bergfors(1), F. Hormuth(1), T. Paumard(2), P. Kervella(2), J.P. Berger(3)


(1) MPIA, Heidelberg; (2) LESIA, Paris; (3) LAOG, Grenoble


The 2nd generation Very Large Telescope Interferometer instrument GRAVITY aims at achieving micro-arcsecond accuracy astrometry. In a study of the GRAVITY science cases we investigate the astrometric detection of exoplanets around very low mass stars and closure phase variations during transits . This includes sample selection of M-dwarfs to be surveyed and simulations to identify the "best" survey strategy. With GRAVITY astrometric capability of 10 microarcsec, we expect to detect planets with 4 earth masses in 5 years survey.

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