Multi-color experiments for a binary-shaped pupil mask coronagraph
K. Haze(1,2), K. Enya(1), T. Kotani(1), L. Abe(3), T. Nakagawa(1,4), K. Aono(4) T. Sato(5), T. Yamamuro(6)
(1) ISAS/JAXA; (2) SOKENDAI; (3) UNS/OCA/CNRS; (4) University of Tokyo; (5) AIST; (6) Optcraft
We present results of our laboratory experiment with a binary-shaped pupil mask coronagraph for the direct observation of exoplanets. A binary-shaped pupil mask coronagraph is planned to be installed in Next-generation infrared space telescope SPICA. We are now carring out experiments to demonstrate a principle that the pupil mask coronagraph works on all wavelength bands. Broadband and multiband light sources with 650, 750, 800 and 850nm were used for our experiments. As a results, we verified that the coronagraph produces significant improvement in contrast at the wavelengths. We also present the coronagraph experiment with the PSF subtraction using a He-Ne laser. Additionally, we undertake development of the low-temperature vacuum chamber for the laboratory coronagraph experiment with mid-infrared range.