Poster or oral presentation instructions

Oral presentations

  • The oral presentation duration is fixed to :
    - 25’ for the Review talks plus 5’ for questions
    - 12’ for Contributed talks plus 3’ of questions
  • Mac and PC laptops, with Microsoft Powerpoint, will be available for the speakers. Note however that there may be conversion problem when transferring speakers’ file to the LOC laptops. Alternatively, PDF files will be readable on these laptops
  • The speakers must transfer their file at the (coffee/lunch) break preceding their talk at the latest (it will not be possible to plug your own laptop)
  • We will collect the presentations to be published on the website (with main author acknowledgement)

Poster presentations

  • The maximum poster size is 85 by 120 cm (vertical A0 format).
  • Clips will be available to attach the posters on their support
  • Due to the poster room capacity we will be limited to 20 posters/day. Therefore, we will have 4 poster sessions (consult the poster program)
  • Posters can be displayed on the morning and must be removed on the evening

Poster express

  • authors will have the opportunity to advertise their poster with a single slide in 1 minute
  • prepare 1 slide for the LOC (if possible prior to the conference). No video. No animation
  • watch the countdown !