Oral presentations

Achromatic multi-four quadrant phase mask coronagraph: laboratory demonstration

Submitted by Raphael GALICHER

Achromatic Optics for Phase Apodization Coronagraphy

Submitted by Johanan JOHANAN L. CODONA

Advances in optimization and wavefront sensing aspects of the Dual Zone Phase Mask coronagraph.

Submitted by Mamadou N’DIAYE

Analytical expression for long exposure coronagraphic imaging

Submitted by Jean francois SAUVAGE

Behind the coronagraphic mask

Submitted by Frantz MARTINACHE

Experimental Progress and Limitations of Optimal Wavefront Correction in Polychromatic Light

Submitted by Tyler TYLER GROFF

FFREE: a Fresnel-FREE demonstrator for the common-path optics within EPICS.

Submitted by Jacopo ANTICHI

First manufactured diamond AGPM vector vortex for the L- and N-bands: metrology and expected performances

Submitted by Christian DELACROIX

High Dynamic Range Imaging with the FIRST instrument

Submitted by Guy PERRIN

Interference-Based Coronagraphy for Speckle Detection

Submitted by Elizabeth JENSEN

Laboratory test of application of Electric Field Conjugation image-sharpening to ground-based adaptive optics

Submitted by Sandrine THOMAS

Quasi static speckle calibration using an Integral Field Spectrograph: extraction of the spectra of a faint companion.

Submitted by Laurent PUEYO

Towards direct detection of exo-Earths: high contrast lab demonstration at 2 l/D

Submitted by Ruslan BELIKOV

Using the vector vortex coronagraph in the ExAO regime at Palomar: lessons learned

Submitted by Dimitri MAWET

Accurate wavefront sensing in focal plane: laboratory and numerical results

Submitted by Marion Mas

Adaptive coronagraphic binary masks

Submitted by Miguel Cagigal